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Schedule a Spring AC Tuneup in Cathedral City, CA

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AC Tuneup
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A tuneup every spring is just what your air conditioner needs here in Cathedral City, CA. The benefits are numerous and more than make up for the upfront cost of these visits. Scheduling an AC tuneup regularly can mean fewer repairs, more efficient cooling and even a longer lifespan for the system.

Preventing Major AC Repairs

Maintenance can’t prevent all repairs since air conditioner parts will naturally wear out over time, but it can prevent the serious issues that cause breakdowns. With a well-maintained AC system, you’ll only have to deal with one or two small, inexpensive repairs during the year. This means you get to keep more money in your pocket.

Improving Air Conditioning Performance

Dirt buildup, faulty sensors, a weakening motor and an uncalibrated thermostat can all have a negative impact on energy efficiency. Your AC system will use more energy and cost you more each month to cool your home to the same level. You can avoid this situation by scheduling AC tuneup visits.

Ensuring the Maximum Lifespan

The average ducted air conditioner can last between 10 and 15 years, depending on whether it gets maintenance. Mini-split air conditioners can run for 30 years with the proper maintenance.

The reason is simple. AC tuneups prevent premature wear and tear and keep the most expensive components, like the blower motor, running smoothly.

Protecting Your Warranty

AC tuneups can help keep your warranty from becoming void. Remember that manufacturers can choose not to honor their warranty if an air conditioner issue was avoidable. Homeowners can’t neglect their system and still expect their warranty to cover AC repairs.

Esser Air Conditioning and Heating can handle all the details of AC maintenance for you, so give us a call today for an appointment in Cathedral City, CA. You’ll be working with a highly trained, NATE-certified service technician who’s familiar with all makes and models. We’ve been around since 1980 and look forward to meeting your needs.

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