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3 Tips to Make Your Heat Pump Last Longer in La Quinta, CA

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The typical lifespan of an air-source heat pump is about 15 years. Homeowners in La Quinta, CA, have a great interest in maximizing the lifespans of their heat pumps, and if possible, pushing them beyond the average. Here are three things to do if you want your heat pump to last longer:

Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance

Though it generally isn’t as involved or flashy as other kinds of HVAC services, maintenance is probably the most important thing that you can do for your heat pump. If you take care to regularly schedule professional maintenance for your HVAC system, service technicians will be able to detect problems with it that might otherwise have escaped notice. It’s virtually impossible to exaggerate how significant that is if you want to keep your HVAC system working for as long as possible.

Change Your Filter Routinely

Smooth airflow is crucial to proper heat pump functioning and longevity. The best thing you can do to promote airflow is to clean and change your heat pump’s air filters. We suggest doing this about once every 30-90 days.

Optimize Your HVAC Thermostat

Your thermostat controls and regulates your heat pump, which means that, if you aren’t careful, it could cause your system to waste an enormous amount of energy over the years. First of all, if you don’t already have one, we recommend getting a programmable thermostat. Secondly, we advise you to take some time to find the best and most efficient settings so that the thermostat only puts your system to work when it’s strictly necessary.

Maximizing your heat pump’s service life is largely a matter of having knowledge and foresight. Call Esser Air Conditioning and Heating today so our team near La Quinta, CA, can give you the cooling services and advice you need.

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